8/25/03: Session 8

You'll never believe this: while I was on vacation, every Mummy character got an e-mail! I'm not sure if all questions will be answered, as my contract with the characters isn't too specific on overtime pay. However, here's two letters for now!

This letter is for Alex,

Hi, Alex. What's up? I really like how you handle Lock-Nah! That was very funny! I just have one question? Did you ever happen to think that he really could have killed you? Weren't you scared? I would have been! But you were very brave. Like one of your other e-mails I wanted to compliment your sandcastles! They were awesome! My mom and her friend are artists and they complimented it! You did great!

Love ya,

Bethany and Tiphani

Dear Bethany and Tiphani,

Hi! Thanks for your compliments. I must say I had a great time infuriating him. Yes, I was very much aware of how much danger I was in, but as Uncle Jon says, "When you're having a near-death experience, you might as well crack a joke. It helps ease the tension, and it makes a good story if you don't actually die." Or something like that. But when Uncle Jon is really scared, the only reason he's funny is because he looks like he's about to pee his pants. I'm glad you liked my sandcastles, too. They were a stroke of genious that should not be expected to be repeated.

Thanks for writing!


Alex, don't make me look bad. I keep your mother and father around for that.

Here's a letter for the daring Carnahan himself.

This letter is for Jonathan,

Hey Jonathan! How are ya? I just wanted to tell you that you are the humor of the movies! That's why I love ya! By the way, whatever happened to that girl Sheila?


Bethany and Tiphani

Dear Bethany and Tiphani,

Thanks for the letter! I'm glad you appreciate my sense of humor. Very few people around here do, it seems. I thought at least Alex enjoyed it, but apparently I was mistaken. And to think I imparted my superior knowledge onto that boy! It's quite depressing, really. These people simply don't realize that they are living with a master of wit. One day, when I'm famous, they'll regret their insults. But enough about that. Onto your next question...Sheila? Sheila, Sheila....oh, damn! I was supposed to call her, wasn't I? Ah, well.



Dad, Uncle Jon's feeling sorry for himself again!

Yeah, that's one of his favorite hobbies...second only to swindeling his closest relatives out of everything they own.

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